We all want to see clearly, feel confident, and be comfortable wearing our glasses. Finding the best glasses for your face form isn’t that hard. Look for frames in shapes and colors that match your face’s shape and suit your skin tone and hair color. Glasses that fit your face will have the following features:
Temples rest on the ears and head without any pressure
Bottom of frames only gently resting on the cheek or not at all
The weight of your frames should be balanced equally over the bridge of your nose or evenly distributed on the frame’s nose pads and they shouldn't leave a mark on your nose
The top of the glasses should follow the line of the brows and the eyes should be more centered.
So here are some quick tips to see if your glasses are too small:
The arms of your glasses are pressed tightly against your temples.
The bottoms of your lenses rest on your cheeks.
The bridge of your glasses is pressing your nose.
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